Entries by Aminath Zaina Zahir

Changes to Charter License Criteria and the GST Rules for Agents of Foreign Tourist Vessels

On 2 January 2023, the Ministry of Tourism published a new Regulation on Governing Foreign Tourist Vessels Cruising and Harbouring in Maldivian Waters. The new Regulation introduces passenger liner permits for vessels carrying 50 or more passengers with a duration not exceeding 7 days in the Maldives. Agents of such vessels are no longer required to register the vessel as a taxable activity for GST purposes.

The President Ratifies the New Companies Act

The new Companies Act has been gazetted on 27 December 2023 and will be effective on 1 January 2024. The new Act introduces substantial changes to the company law landscape in Maldives bringing major developments that impact companies in Maldives. New compliance and regulatory requirements are also introduced under the new Act.