Cash Declaration Limit Changed

The Maldives Monetary Authority, on 17 January 2019, published the first amendment to the Regulation on Cross Border Currency Declaration Amount. The changes introduced now require passengers travelling with USD 20,000 or more, and are travelling…

First Amendment to the Legal Profession Act

On 5 August 2020, the First Amendment to the Legal Profession Act was published, which provides that law graduates that complete a one month long training program and meet other conditions stipulated in the Act will be eligible to be sworn in and admitted to the Bar.

Supreme Court Judgement: Abdul Majeed v Male' City Council

On 15 July 2020, the Supreme Court of Maldives gave its judgment in the case of Abdul Majeed v Male' City Council, which originated from a contractual dispute over a plot of land for which the Appellant submitted the winning bid. The Court agreed with the High Court's decision that the land plot is not required to be handed over to the Appellant as a contract has not formed between the parties.

Webinar on Tax Law in Practice

The webinar is aimed at helping legal and accounting practitioners as well as students looking to improve their understanding of tax law with a business and practical perspective. It will be held on 20 September 2020, at 9:00 pm.

Supreme Court Judgement: Guleyfa Mohamed v Adam Haleem

On 15 July 2020, the Supreme Court of Maldives gave its judgment in the case of Guleyfa Mohamed v Adam Haleem, which originated from a residential tenancy dispute involving non-payment of rent. The Court agreed with the lower court's decision not to award compensatory damages.

Supreme Court Judgement: Sea and Sun Maldives v Ismail Rafeeu

On 6 July 2020, the Maldives High Court gave its judgment in the appeal filed by Hilton International Manage (Maldives) Pvt Ltd against Sun Travel and Tours Pvt Ltd. The Court struck down the Civil Court’s decision to award damages to Sun Travel & Tours.