Cash Declaration Limit Changed

The Maldives Monetary Authority, on 17 January 2019, published the first amendment to the Regulation on Cross Border Currency Declaration Amount. The changes introduced now require passengers travelling with USD 20,000 or more, and are travelling…

High Court Judgement: Jumeirah Management Services (Maldives) v SPH

A case concerning the courts’ powers in granting interim injunction order in court actions related to arbitral proceedings, in which the High Court of the Maldives held that the Court has the same powers as the arbitral tribunal to render interim orders in such cases related to arbitral proceedings

Shipping Agency Regulation

On 26 November 2020, the Shipping Agency Regulation was published. The Regulation contains the standards and procedures to be followed by shipping agencies providing services to cargo vessels arriving to a Maldivian port.

Overview of Green Tax

This publication gives an overview of how Green Tax is imposed under the Maldives Tourism Act.

Second Amendment to the Immigration Act

On 25 November 2020, the Second Amendment to the Immigration Act, amending the requirements for issuing the corporate resident visa, is published.

Supreme Court Judgement: Maryam Rasheedha v Ahmed Nazim

An appeal concerning the validity of a lease contract in which the Supreme Court held that the contract cannot be void or deemed voidable on the grounds that it impedes the obligations of a father to provide shelter to the child.

FAQs on Service Charge

We answer some of the FAQs on the application of service charge on tourism services, introduced by the 6th Amendment to the Employment Act.