

Year in Review 2017

This edition of Year in Review focuses on the major changes in tax rules and important regulatory changes in 2017 that impacts businesses in the Maldives. You can refer to our publications on the same rulings or changes to find out more information regarding…

CTL Conducts Webinar on Recent Tax Rulings

A web-based seminar on "Recent Developments on GST and WHT" was held by CTL Strategies on 10 February 2018, which focused on some important changes to the Goods and Services Tax regime and Withholding Tax regime. The first of it's kind conducted by a…

Foreign Investment Opportunities in the Maldives

It is important to enlist the help of skilled counsel with experience in legal, administrative and, tax requirements when foreign investors establish themselves in the Maldives as their choice of business structure can have different tax and legal implications.…

New Ruling Changes Complimentary Services Rules

The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority has published a Tax Ruling (Number TR-2017/G43) on 9 October 2017 which amends Section 54 of the Goods and Services Tax Regulation to allow complimentary supplies without any imposition of GST for a period of 7 days. Prior…